This young girl.

A friend is a short time but a Bestfriend is forever.
Hi, Farra Izmira Binti Bobie Farid. I love you! Oh yes, i do. When was the first time we met? Scouts camping? Kan? Hahahaha. Old sweet memories. I remembered when I get so jealous between you and.. him. Kau ambik air milo aku. Tak boleh belah, tu pun nak jealous *geleng geleng kepala* Baby, thanks for always be there when i really need you. Eventhough at school, we're kinda like berpecah belah. You go there and I go there. But yet, we're still a forever bestfriend! Last night, I cried really hard. And you were there for me, doctor lerp. Thankyou so much. Aku dah tak tahu nak cerita kat sapa time tu. Kau selalu ada. I will always pray for your happiness. Thankyou for the last year video, It was cool though. I really appriciate it. Terharu gila :') I wont leave you Farra, no no no. Aku harapla kan, kita takkan gaduh tahun ni and tahun tahun berikutnya. Entah, risau gila. Takut, kita bukan kawan lagi sampai bila bila. Yeah. Am i talking nonsense right now? Hahaha. I know, you're too excited to read this post. Sabar itu separuh daripada iman ;p Last year, last day. We cried really bad. Seriously, it was horrible! But, sapa tak menangis doh? Siapa je tahan? Sedih kan. Seriously, I miss being form1. Kalau kita pindah, kita pindah sama sama tau faweng? Hey dude, about that little boy. I know, you're still waiting for him. It's okay. Remember when you said, never give up on someone? So, never give up la! :p It's too fast. If you have a problem, just tell me. I'm here bestfriend, for you. 
Smile! Please dont be sad :-) 

Hmm, okay. I guess, this is the end of this post. Harap semua okay, hehe. Farra goodluck for pmrspm and also for your own future. I'll always remember you buddy! Promise. Goodbye then. Take care. Assalamualaikum x 

I love you